Today was an interesting day. I was on my regular maintenance slow run. Started with an easy speed of just under 7 mins per Km, did 4Kms(No stops). Then thought of trying something interesting. On the road where i run, there a section which measures approx 800 meters. So, thought of running that. Went on to do 2 * 800s. Did both of them under 3 min 20 sec, with a recovery of 2 min in them. Ended the day with an easy walk-run for 1 Km. Felt very strong doing the 800s. I think i am going to do this kind of a workout very often, once a week will be good.Also, i will plan to reduce the initial warm-up from 4Km to say 2Km and then try to do multiple 800s, will gradually increase the count and speed.
Any comments on this workout are welcome. All this is for a half-marathon training.
Also, i came through Bart Yasso 800 on the internet. Interesting!